(Electronic whiteboards or Interactive whiteboards are excellent e-learning tools and are widely used throughout the UK in schools and colleges).
What is e learning?
It is the electronic deployment of knowledge, learning experience and skills from instructor/ course ware to learners through electronic applications and learning support processes like computer based learning, online learning, virtual classrooms (interactive whiteboards), use of audio/video aids, mobile learning etc.
What is self directed e learning?
It is the electronic deployment of learning experiences,web pages, multimedia presentations, knowledge and skills from electronic programs to the learners who eventually manage there own learning programs. It is also known as learner led e learning or stand alone learning.
What is facilitated e learning?
It is a learner led e learning with the benefit of instructors availability for guidance. It consist of forums, discussion groups, text and voice chat, instant messages, podcasts, RSS feeds and sometimes video conferencing.
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